Adjusting Your Health and Fitness Plan

Lately I have been writing about my mid-year goals and the changes I have been making. Since my last blog my schedule has changed and I am going to make some adjustments. For my healthy eating goals I am still going to keep up my current plan of three fruits and three veggies a day. To do this I am going to buy my veggies once or twice a week. Then I will put them in those small reusable containers in the fridge already to go to take to work. For fruit I am going to have some bananas, melon, … Continue reading

Snacking on Vegetables and Fruits

Recently I mentioned in a blog some of my mid-years goals. One of my goals was to eat three fruits and three vegetables a day. This has been going really well and has helped me to explore new foods. Previously, one of my favorite veggies to snack on was carrots. Whenever I would go to a party, I would load up my plate with carrots before I even look around at the other options. Starting with a healthy choice would make it less likely for me to eat a ton of sweet snacks later. Although I love carrots so much, … Continue reading

Save With Smart Snacking Strategies

Your family’s grocery budget seems to be getting tighter and tighter these days. The kids are growing, and so are their appetites. Food prices have been steadily creeping up for a while, too. You want to be able to feed your family plenty of good food, but you don’t want to break the bank either. If you look at grocery store receipts from past shopping trips, you may notice that snack foods make up a bigger portion of your grocery bill than you thought. The good thing about this is that you do not have to stop snacking, nor do … Continue reading

A Healthy Mouth and a Healthy Pregnancy

When it comes to your health, everything is connected. Your body is a system, and when one part is not well, symptoms show up throughout the rest of the body. When you’re pregnant, your baby’s health is affected as well, and that is why it is so important to do everything you can to stay healthy. That includes getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, exercising and talking to a doctor when you think something might be wrong. Your teeth are no exception. In fact, your oral health is directly tied to your pregnancy. According to a study done at … Continue reading

High Glycemic Index Foods and Childhood Obesity

The food a mother eats may play a role in childhood obesity, according to a study at Dublin University College. Specifically, the study looked at the glycemic index of the snacks eaten by pregnant women in late pregnancy. Researchers found women who ate high glycemic index snacks in the last trimester were more likely to have babies that would later develop childhood obesity. Other studies have linked dietary factors and maternal weight gain with childhood obesity. This is one of the first to begin to look at specific factors related to snacking and eating patterns with the child’s weight later. … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: Prenatal Eating Tips

This quick list will help you to make sure you get optimum nutrition during your pregnancy with ease. As long as you remember these ten simple things, you should have no trouble maintaining a healthy pregnancy, barring any unforeseen complications such as preeclampsia, etc. Along with your prenatal supplements, there are certain things that your baby will need to get from you while in utero. You could even print out this list and tape it to your refrigerator for a quick reference before snacking. Without further ado, here are the top ten tips to prenatal eating: TEN: If you don’t … Continue reading

Quick and Healthy Lunch Ideas

Whether you work full time or are home with other children, you may find yourself grabbing for a quick lunch. You know that nutrition is important for the baby, but you can’t seem to find the time to make a healthy lunch. Fortunately, a healthy lunch can be made in a short amount of time. Leftovers from dinner can make a quick and healthy lunch the next day. It just takes a minute to set aside a portion in a container and stick it in the refrigerator. In the morning, you just have to grab the container on your way … Continue reading

6 Ways to Begin a Healthier Lifestyle

The warm weather is finally upon us. You can’t help but notice how great some people look in their shorts. You are now feeling motivated to get healthy. How do you begin? By following these 6 suggestions, you will at least be on your way. Every successful story has a beginning and perhaps today is your day. The first tip is to get out and walk. You don’t have to go and spend a lot of money on a gym membership. You don’t have to invest in workout equipment. Just start by walking. Walking is a great way to break … Continue reading

Budget Recipes: Easy Fruit Salads

It doesn’t always have to cost a fortune to feed your family. Pay attention to what kinds of foods are on sale at your local grocery store. You can put together a budget recipe that your family will enjoy. An easy to make fruit salad can become a quick breakfast or a healthy lunchbox snack. The grocery store that is located the closest to my home is Vons. This store likes to start its weekly sales on Wednesdays. This means that the sales in the current weekly paper start today, Wednesday, September 14, 2011, and will end on Wednesday, September … Continue reading

Change Your Eating Habits One Meal at a Time

I have mentioned in previous blogs that I seem to have the exercise routine down pretty good. I am consistently working out each week at a minimum of 3 times but more often than not, 4 to 5 times. However where I continue to struggle is with my eating. But then again, for the most part I have been attempting an overhaul of changes when it comes to that, instead of taking my own advice about exercise and doing it in steps. Changing the way you eat can be difficult if you try to do too much at one time. … Continue reading